Website Building Application


OVERFLADER FINDES IKKE, KUN INDHOLDETS YDERSTE STED / There is no such thing as a surface,

only the outermost internals

Paint, metal, glass, plastic and living ferns


The ferns grow, produce oxygen and participate in the carbon cycle - they are obviously alive and dependent on their surroundings; they give and take.

But the paint on the floor seems more like a dead surface, that doesn't move or exchange anything with the surrounding bodies of air, flesh and

concrete. But when I slide my fingers across its surface a bit of me is left there, tiny skin molecules, and they move from one state of being to another.

A transformation that requires no slight of hand yet still seems otherworldly magical, because the basic characteristics that defines these tiny bodies

change in the most dramatical way; we can no longer consider them simply human but must view them in a double perspective: somehow their essence

fluctuate between paint and skin, thing and person.